
We have 4 tractors to cover all situations promptly across the Peel and Perth metro areas. Be it block slashing, firebreaks, block clearing, maintenance and weed control, we’ve got you covered.



We can slash the long grass on your property with our fleet of two 4WD block tractors with high quality, work safe complying 5 foot slashers.


One larger 4WD tractor that pulls a 7 foot broad acre slasher, a 2 metre rotary hoe for quality firebreaks and block maintenance. This tractor also has a front end loader fitted with a bucket for soil movement and a sturdy clearing rake for firebreak and block clearance.

Block Clearing & Maintenance

Including weed control. For areas the slasher cannot access, we have high quality whipper snippers. Under some conditions, we can remove unwanted items but this needs to be discussed on a case by case basis. During quieter months we also have the capacity to remove small trees and shrubs and book spray to prevent out of control growth in the Summer.

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Put Steve's Slashing in charge of your slashing or firebreaks. No stress, no fines.